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The Ayahuasca and San Pedro International Research Center

Center for the study of Consciousness


The Ayahuasca and San Pedro International Research Center (ASPIRE) was founded in 1997 by Armando Muñoz in order to create an opportunity for all kinds of people to receive the profound teachings of ancient cultures and their Wisdom Plants, while visiting some of the most powerful spots on the planet.  ASPIRE offers you the space to heal and to evolve your body and mind to accelerate self-discovery. Integration techniques allow you to quickly develop your potential and abilities to new levels never imagined before, helping you to realise your multidimensional nature.


The aim is to try and offer effective answers for the questions: Who are we? What are we doing here? Where are we going? We need to realise that we are consciousness in evolution and have the ability to create new possibilities for ourselves full of awareness and potentiality.


It is very important for us that participants understand that there is a gradual path to the understanding of the Wisdom Plants. Our aim is to gradually raise your awareness and try and bring you the innate information within the plants – which is not separate from you in the end, but pure and innate information in all of us.  With specific techniques we facilitate integration of your experiences so that you may understand, make changes and take this information back into your everyday life.



We are providing a middle way, a gradual way, to clean your body and mind and then show you multiple gateways to your own possibilities and potential. By understanding your true, limitless nature you are able to approach life with a different, more purposeful and joyful perspective. By integrating your experiences at the Center into your everyday life, you will find you are more present, more awake and more aware and can strategise a healthy life more effectively. 



Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way, on purpose (you have a goal or motivation) in the present moment. It has to be with equanimity, without pushing away things that we don’t like, and without pulling in things that we do like. At the Center we teach methods that can bring you acceptance and openness so to increase your own mental well-being and enhance self exploration.



The ancient, initiation Wisdom Plants are traditionally used to heal body and mind, and to awaken new possibilities in the brain. Your brain changes when taking power plants and through this process of neuroplasticity neurons change, the organization of their networks change, and their function changes.  Through these new experiences new preferred neuropathways are formed.  With “directed neuroplasticity,” we can by our own intention and effort deliver specific repetitive patterns of stimulation (entrainment), to cause desirable and specific changes in the brain. With ancient techniques that facilitate connectedness to expanded consciousness, old emotions can be be processed and destructive tendencies can be let go.  With a shift in perspective entirely new functions can be gained and quantum leaps of transformation can be experienced in everyday life.  This is how you can be an effective creator of a new personal reality.



Epigenetics is the control above the genes – meaning that your genes do not harbor control over you, but that your perception of the environment can rewrite how your epigenome expresses itself. This will not change your DNA, but affect how genes are turned on or off. Therefore, you are not limited by your genes, but you are limited by your perception and the belief of the world you live in. As fast as you change your perception is as fast as you change your biology.  Incorporating the principles of epigenetics into everyday life involves adopting habits and making choices that can positively influence gene expression and overall health. The Center offers the environment, the tools and practices to aid you in creating a new neuronetwork of subconscious connections and imprints for better physica and mental health.



The Center is located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in the town of Urubamba, Cusco, Peru. The surrounding Apus (mountain consciousness), power places and ancient archeological sites emanate a large amount of primordial energy that has the ability to ripen and enforce the innate wisdom, intuitive order and potential within all of us.


We look forward to sharing this amazing environment and space with you


It is time to allow the NEW to blossom NOW

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